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Yihe 42 Degree Hot Yoga was founded in 2005 by Xiang Yi, who graduated from the Bikram Hot Yoga College in Los Angeles, USA. Now it has become a hot yoga gymnasium with a certain scale and professional in Beijing. Yihe 42 degree hot yoga has a wealth of professional yoga courses, including hot yoga, flow yoga, warm flow yoga, Ashtanga, etc., as well as the current hot sports GYROTONIC Chanrou course. Yihe 42 degree hot yoga has very professional yoga facilities, standard hot yoga classrooms and professional temperature and humidity, fresh air ventilation equipment of well-known brands, so that everyone who comes here can experience professional standard hot yoga training mode. There is also a spacious and quiet lounge, and the venue has a spacious shower space, equipped with sufficient safe lockers and complete toiletries, making everyone feel like home, intimate and comfortable.
Open Time
10:00 am — 22:00 pm
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G / K047
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L1 / M131
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